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Selena Moore

I got to privilege to interview Selena. And let me tell you when I asked her I was quite nervous as this was my first interview and I didnt know how to ask. I read Selena Moore's book "Cum Inside" from a giveaway but first was going to get as Melony Ann read it and gave it a great rating and I was so interest then I decided to try to win as I never win but I won and not only did I won the giveaway but when i read the book I loved it and I became pretty close to Selena.  I will love to do another interview with Selena and I'm sure she would be so pleased to. 


Anyway let get to getting to know Selena Moore.


Me: How do you get your ideas for your books?

Selena:  For me, it's always random thoughts that get stuck in my head until they turn
themselves into a good storyline. It can be the simplest of things that trigger my desire to make a book out of it. With "Stranded" my snowstorm romance, it was my love of snow and wood cabins, of a nice, warm fireplace and living off the grid that led me to create the love story between Bryan and Jessicca. And what girl wouldn't want to be saved by a hot, chivalrous lumberjack when they are stuck in the middle of a blizzard? I know I would!


Me: When did you decide to become an author?
Selena: That is the million dollar question. I have been writing in journals since I was twelve years old and never stopped. After my father passed back in 2011 I, somehow, turned to writing more. Only this time I was the one who created the stories. I wrote about all the things that I as a reader would love to read. And I never stopped since, it was cathartic for me and after being a voracious reader, being on the exact opposite side was such a blessing. It is incredible the feeling of birthing a story out of nothing.


Me: If someone decided to become an author, what would be the best advice you would give?
Selena: To write from the heart. That's the most important thing. It doesn't matter what you write about, as long as it comes from your heart, it's bound to resonate with readers. They can feel it. I read once and still remember this: No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader. I think that says it all.

Me: Based on the books you have published already, which would you say is your favorite?
Selena: I don't have to think twice about that. "Used" is my most favorite book yet and I am still deeply in love with both Dmitry and Megan's characters. It was the first time I ever ventured into something a little darker than what I normally write, and the feedback so far has been amazing. If you ask me now what brought the idea for this book, I would tell you it is undoubtedly my love for the underdog hero. Fighters have always held my interest and that's how Used came to be.


Me: If you are not writing, what are you doing?
Selena: Easy. I read. A lot. You will always find me reading something. And when I'm not reading, I am plotting my next book.
Me: If you live somewhere for a year and write a book based on that place which would it be?
Selena: I am thinking, most probably the south of France. A nice little cottage in the suburbs, surrounded by lots of green and open spaces. Away from all the hustle and bustle.


Me: How do you come up with your book titles?
Selena: That's the easiest part of writing for me. The title and the blurb. At that point I have already
written the entire story, start to finish, so based on the plotline, coming up with a title and blurb is
just fun.


Me: What is your favorite genre or trope to read or write?
Selena: I am going to be totally honest with you. I love reading any and all romance but I have a weak
spot for smutty love affairs and lots of heat on the page. And I absolutely love writing my own,
spicy stories, like I am now with my dystopian military romance, The Vessel. Sex is an integral
part of our lives and I think there is a vast female audience that craves well written erotica.


Me: If you can choose your spirit animal which one will it be?
Selena: I would have to say it would be a magnificent, white Pegasus.

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