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Linda Marie Pankow

Me: Based on the books you have already published, which would be your favorite?

Linda: I'd say "Real Life, Real Love will always be my favorite... it's my dream life after all.


Me: Any upcoming stories you have coming out soon

Linda: I have "Camp Ya Wanna" Coming out on the 4th of July, 2021. It's about a woman who finds herself at BDSM Camp


Me: How do you come up with your title?

Linda: It's varies for each book, Camp Ya Wanna for instance came about as an idea and the title was secondary. I just thought to myself "well ya wanna"


Me: If someone decided to become an author what would be the best advice you would give?


Linda: I would tell them just to get it on paper, then edit. The ideas are what makes a story, build on each idea. Then make sure it's perfect before publishing it.


Me: What inspired the idea for your book?

Linda: My first book was inspired by my own desires in life and the rest just built onto it.


Me: Do you have a favorite character that you have written? if so, who? And what makes them so special?

Linda: Myrtle, from Real Life, Real Love. She what I want to be/have


Me: If there anything on your book that is releasing in July that you will like to tell readers about?

Linda: I want anyone who's reads it to know that the main character, Linds is based off me. I put a lot of my insecurities into the book so be gentle on me.




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